Update on migration in Drupal 7
- I am now officially working full-time on migration in Drupal 8, for the time being (I'll have a blog post with details on that work shortly).
- I feel that the Drupal 7 migration modules are pretty much functionally complete.
Migration contribution catch-up plan
- Bug reports with patches (needs review, rtbc), oldest to newest
- Other bug reports, oldest to newest
- Other issues with patches (needs review, rtbc), oldest to newest
- Triage of support requests to make sure no bugs are lurking there
Bug reports with patches, migrate
Drupal 6 to Drupal 8 migration completed! (mostly)
Updates on Migrate and my site
Soft launch - Colloquy customization
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Drupalcon summary
This may be slightly out of order, since I've still got a ways to go in blogging my notes on the specific sessions I attended at Drupalcon, but I want to get my overall thoughts and impressions out as quickly as possible.
First, expanding on my comment on Drupal.org - I'm re-entering the Drupal community after some time away, and it feels so right... There are some acknowledgements I need to make:
First and foremost, my significant other SIGNIFICANT Other, Sarah Richards, has been supportive above-and-beyond of the time I've spent Drupaling on top of my day job (and of the constant whining over how little time I have left to do all the other things I want to do). I hope her patience continues, because I have a lot of catching up to do in the Drupal world. And I hope some non-profit working on progressive change out there can use an anthropologist with project management experience (contact me if you can...).
Drupalcon Day 2
Popular Science - Case Study
pingVision presented a case study of the migration of the Popular Science site to Drupal. Since I'm joining Moshe Weitzman in Cyrve, specializing in content migration, this was of particular interest to me.
Drupalcon Day 1 continued
I made a stab at live blogging with the usability session, but I think it will work better for me just to jot down the random points that particularly strike me at the time, and fill in more thoughts later. Hopefully most if not all sessions will be on video, so there's no need to be a scribe...
Report from formal Drupal usability testing at the University of Minnesota Libraries
The target for this round of testing was "sub-admins" familiar with other content management systems. They were exposed to Drupal 6 with CCK. Eye-tracking data was gathered, and we saw the animated results - not very pretty.