My next steps for Drupal 8 migration

To expand on the “Going forward” section of my last blog post, there’s still a lot of work to be done to get the migration ecosystem for Drupal 8 up to the level it was for Drupal 7 - as well as taking it beyond, as I believe the D8 architecture enables far more powerful and flexible tools. As an independent consultant, I have a more flexible schedule and more time for pure community work, but with great flexibility comes great… dithering.


Without the focus provided by a paying client, I often find myself spending far too much time triaging the work, and too little actually doing the work. I’m also most productive when I can do a deep dive - a few solid hours embedded in one particular area - as opposed to flitting about from the highest priority issue here, to the highest priority issue there (context switches are expensive). So, going forward I’m experimenting with a different approach. Basically, I will have a stack of post-its for the various areas I need to work on, and each time I have at least a couple of uncommitted hours I’ll simply take the top thing off that stack and work on it, without worrying (too much) about whether it’s the “optimal” thing to work on at that moment. In no particular order (I’m already fighting the urge to spend an hour prioritizing the list), my initial stack looks like:

Hopefully the experiment doesn’t end up like this:



Just did a round of migrate_tools work and got the beta release out. My stack rotation is going to be suspended for a bit, with DrupalCon coming next week - between prepping for the sprints, the sprints themselves, and (I'm sure) post-sprint cleanup and review, my focus will be on core issues for at least a couple of weeks - don't expect much progress in other areas for the meantime.

Mike, I am going to present how to work with Migrate Drupal 8 module on one of the local Ukrainian Drupal events.

But want to clarify one important thing about how the Migrate in Drupal 8 works.

Q. Is that true that every time we run the migration with --limit options, migrate still fetch all data from the database, calculate hash to investigate if source was changed or not and just after that, make a decision which items to migrate?

Thanks for answer.